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Day Dream

I was on my 20's.. early 20's. Full of life, love, dreams, and ambitions. I love to do whatever I want and I hate to do what they tell me to do for myself. I'm like other ordinary people living an ordinary life.

I don't know how it happens but I just woke up one day finding out that I am a front man of a band called "The Yellow Pages". We we're composed of 5 youthful members in the band. Joem for the base, Danny Rio for the Lead, Oming is our drummer, Roy on the Rhythm, and Me do the vocals.

"FOR RENT" was our first album... hits the Billboard chart after its 1st week of release. It gone too far that it even reached a Double Platinum Award. The success of our 1st album pushed as to follow it up with a much better and even bigger album. Six months after "FOR LEASE" album was launched and as expected hits even the bigger part of South East Asia...

We were on the verge of our success, band mates, recording crews, managers, and our directors took a concert tour all over Asia. I don't know if it was a successful one but all tickets were sold out and the concert ground almost experienced a stamped.

We were celebrities. Each and everyone was well known on the Internet, Televisions, Magazines, and even on Comic books. Problem arises, conflicts, band mates has different opinions, separate ideas, and worst ended up disbanded. We were broken..

Half of the world were shocked about what happened.. 1/4 just couldn't believed it and I'm among them. The supposedly release of our third album "FOR SALE" were gone. Fans were upset. Media tried to intervene hoping to save the band people learned to loved but ended up short.

It was only a dream to put as back together playing on-stage singing our songs. It was only a dream having our next album and worst, this is just a product of sleeping with my eyes wide open... Thank God it's Sunday walang pasok...


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